Wednesday, 23 September 2009

How to pack for a road trip

The easy solution here would be to take a couple of Tesco bags pack clothes for each day in a separate Tesco bag, this is a good idea because it will keep your clothes dry and also makes it easy to plan for the trip.

Don't fold the clothes rather roll them up as this will minimize creasing (I sound like my mother) and is a more efficient way to save space.  When going abroad it is often cheaper to take less clothes with you and buy cheap Primark equivalent clothes that you can either through away or you can pop to a laundromat. Pack the lightest shoes you have, pack all gadgets, spare visor wallet etc in the tank bag and you are ready to hit the road.

1 Comment: said...

+1 on rolling your clothes instead of folding them! Another good tip is to bring clothes made of synthetic fabric as they take up less space.

Oh, and bring your old clothes, that way you can throw them away instead of washing them and even buy new clothes to replace the old :)


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